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Art enables many to express themselves more fully. It is not just just drawing or painting, but the whole range of creative techniques including collage, colouring, sculpting, photography, music, movie making and all the rest ... When being an artist for God, no artistic talent is necessary. Ultimately this is about God and creativity. Our creative efforts are derived from God (The Creator). 

Creativity makes new connections in the brain - perhaps these new connections help us to discover something new about ourselves and God. As with so many spiritual practices it may help to start with a piece of Scripture or a recurring theme in your prayer life. Sometimes when we get stuck with a particular theme a new strategy can help make sense of it - perhaps your creativity is the answer you are looking for. So, find your medium and see what God can draw out of you.

Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay

Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay