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To prepare for Easter, we come together as a Diocesan community at the beginning of Holy Week. We gather in our Cathedrals and enter the church as a sign that we are all pilgrims on the journey of faith.

After he had turned his face towards Jerusalem, Jesus called his disciples together, to break bread and to stay with him in his Passion. In the Chrism liturgy, we make Eucharist together and bless one another on our pilgrimage into the deep journey of Easter.

As a Diocese we shall break bread and renew our calling in God's service: we shall receive holy oil for Baptism and healing in solidarity with the Christ, God's Anointed One.

Christ in Greek means Anointed One, from the word Messiah in Hebrew.  This is why people are anointed with oil in the Sign of the Cross at their Baptism, the greatest healing of all.  This action is called Chrismation, from the word Christ, and was originally offered by the Bishop in the early Church.  The newly baptised person is now 'in Christ' and a member of 'Christ's body'.  In our liturgy today, the Bishop offers the Eucharist and the anointing of our hands to strengthen and to bless us in our ministry.

The sacramental action of breaking bread, sharing the cup of blessing, consecrating and anointing with oil, will provide an outward and visible sign of the grace we receive, so that we may be refreshed for our ministry to our sisters and brothers as we live the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, the Christ.

Waikato Cathedral

Tuesday, April 4, 6pm

To be ordained;

Taranaki Cathedral

Thursday, April 6, 4pm

To be ordained;